About Me
All About Me
Born and brought up in Bhopal - the capital city of Madhya Pradesh - the largest state of India. Born 01/27/1976. Schooled at Campion School, and those memories were amongst the most memorable ones of my life [Hi to all those pals at school - Rishi, Utsav, Sundar, Ansari, Jasmeet, Pratyush, Kedar (where r u?), Bhasin, Arora - Have I forgotten people?] Also my teachers - although this did not probably strike me at that time - we had a really nice time. I should not certainly forget the primary school teachers - they were really the building influences in my life.
All about me - part 1
Life in college was one great party. My wing, hostel, class, batch, the spice [not necessarily in the above order], everything was FUN!!! this is the biggest bribe i can offer to anyone who says that life at a place like IIT has to be boring. Lets look at the most interesting set of people I have ever come across -
My Wing - The Looney-toons (send them mail at mailto:looney-toons@gegroups.com) Watwe, Pai, Rolu, Bundal, Kylasam, Bhat, BuKkaD, Danny, Ghate, Sudhakar, Tintin, Surdy, Deva, Jayaram, Aror, Shane, Ullu, Suzy, Ballu, DDP, Mallu, Pandit, Mosky.
Hostelites - Manu, Mamma, K2, PG, Mishra, Manpreet, KGB, generally rolling names off my head. But surely a lot of interesting people.
Batch - Aror, Deepa (for all her notes), Muttu, PG, Deeptk, Kutta bhai, Shrutika (and her b'day apple) and oh-so many others. Wanna contact them - send a mail to iitbche@egroups.com
the Spice - 316 to 322 guest : Paro, Anshu, Roli, Pooja, Mom, Abha, SmitaO. Also to be included in H10 are - Bhavna, Prachee, Archana, Anamika, Shruti, Sonalee, Raj, Zen, Shweta.
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Life in college
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